Things to Never Do at a Gas Station

Gas stations like the Moorpark Gasoline Corporation are an integral part of urban transportation networks. Depending on their car’s fuel efficiency and engine type, drivers may arrive several times a week to fill the gas tanks. 

During these drives, they should follow some safety precautions to avoid any major disasters. Accidents caused by negligence in gas stations are prevalent throughout history. In that sense, here are some things to avoid when at a gas station in Moorpark Circle K. 

Running engine 

One must make sure to park the vehicle and turn off the engine. Leaving the engine on is an ingredient to cook up a disaster, especially in diesel vehicles. They should also switch off any power sources, such as a cellphone charger or cigarette lighter to avoid potential risks. 

Avoid phones 

Gas stations are busy at most times. People using cell phones when filling gas tanks lead to catastrophic events. One way of avoiding these complications is by avoiding mobile phone use. Drivers should stay alert around the pump and observe their surroundings for any agents that could cause an electric spark. Once occurred, there will be limited time for escaping as well. 


It is quite common for drivers to overfill the car’s tank. The fuel tanks shut down automatically once the limit is reached in modern vehicles. However, this is not the case with automobiles. Overfilling the tank will cause spilling gasoline all over the place. Then, a fire disaster is seconds away. 

Personal safety 

People should avoid contact with gasoline, especially areas around the eyes. Even if they get fuel on their skin, quickly wash the area with soap and lukewarm water. Use running water to clean the particle for 15 minutes during eye contact. Most importantly, keep an eye on the children. They should stay away from toxic substances. One should never leave children alone in the car. 

Check out here for more information.


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