A Practical Guide For Resolving Common Hose Issues

Hydraulic and pneumatic hoses are indispensable in industrial operations. Hence, when a failure occurs, it triggers a series of catastrophic consequences leading to material and resource wastage. 

Each problem is attributed to several factors or a combination of all. Understanding this aspect is essential for employing appropriate steps to recover from a failure on time. The following are some practical solutions technicians can use to recognize and resolve a problem. 

Blown off fittings 

A notable case with industrial hoses in Southwest Lousiana is blown off fittings. It occurs when a component is not inserted deeply into a shell during assembly. As a result, there is no enough grip for holding fittings in their place. 

In such circumstances, technicians should immediately replace the assembly and insert a new cover as per recommend values. They can also refer to its catalog to understand insertion-depth gages. 

Visible damage 

Some covers may look hard and brittle but would crack when flexed at room temperature. It also has signs of damages, even its natural installed shape. 

Causes for this include exposing a cover to temperatures higher than its recommended limit. By doing so, the material plasticizers start to lose their flexibility and eventually break. Furthermore, aerated oils create oxidation in inner linings, so any combination of oxygen and heat accelerates hardening effects. 

Technicians must review an assembly’s manufacturer catalog and reduce the ambient heat to its working limits. For irreplaceable damages, make sure to replace a part and install new heat guards for better protection. 


Another common hose problem is leaks. It has a simple solution, but routine inspections and proactive maintenance measures can eliminate such risks. Leakage occurs when there is a space between the fitting and its assembly. 

The solution for this issue involves replacing units and reviewing instructions before crimping with tools. 

Hose burst 

Failed wire reinforcements can cause a braid to fail, as its outward deflection is damaged due to excessive usage. It means that an assembly exceeded its service life due to high numbers of pressure cycles. 

Performing prompt replacements and implementing an ongoing maintenance program can prevent such problems in the future.

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