The Ultimate Guide To Buying The Right Light Bulb


Illumination is a major part of any interior design. It provides an aesthetical edge and accessibility to space as well. Buying a light bulb became more complicated than it used to be because of the sheer number of variations and options. Homeowners cannot check for similar watts and expect the perfect brightness for their rooms. So, they should arm themselves with the following tips for next time shopping. For more information, call us at 888-963-9665.


Size and shape 

As cited above, light bulbs for sale come in different sizes and shapes. Most standard fixtures in households are A19s with E26 bases. The A denotes its arbitrary shape, and 19 designates the size. Likewise, E means it has an Edison screw with a 26 mm base. People can read online forums for more in-depth details on global varieties. 


In the past, buyers relied on wattages to purchase a like for like replacement. However, it is longer in use because modern customers consider lumens to choose their products. These are measures of the brightness produced by a bulb rather than its energy consumption. People can opt for energy-saving variants for better lumens with a safe wattage allowance. 


Most interiors benefit from a soft, warm tone color casts produced by white light bulbs. It creates a sense of serenity and cordiality than other shades. Therefore, homeowners can choose neutral, warm tones for their rooms. There are smart LEDs with a wide range of colors available as well. They can change shade variants according to a specific time or task. 


Primary installation of fixtures depends entirely on personal preference but enclosed or recessed can generate more heat than open spaces. Since LEDs are sensitive to heat, such an installation choice could affect its longevity. For better functioning, people can either buy products rated for enclosed spaces or change their preferred installation method. 

The right type 

Lastly, make sure to choose the right type of light bulb for a house. Typically, one can find the following variants: 

1.      Energy-saving incandescents

2.      Compact fluorescents 

3.      LEDs

4.      Smart fixtures

Based on the required functionality, people can choose from any of these four options to light their houses. 

 For further information, Reach us at



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